This is Travis. I'm here in Chicago with Mom and Dad and wanted to give a quick update on Mom and the activities of the last couple days.
Mom continues to do great. She had her first therapy session yesterday. She met with an occupational therapist, a physical therapist and a case worker. The visit lasted about 2 hours. This first visit consisted of reviewing Mom's medical history and doing an evaluation. The occupational therapist had her do a few exercises to evaluate her baseline function. These were timed exercises comparing the dexterity of the right and left hand. One tested her ability to put small pegs into holes on a board and then remove them. The other had small circles with letters and numbers on a piece of paper similar to a dot-to-dot. She timed mom connecting the circles with a pencil. She finished by giving Mom a few exercises to work on at home to improve her coordination.
The physical therapist also did an evaluation focused on strength and coordination of the upper and lower extremities as well as assessing Mom's gait. We were impressed with her and think she will do a good job.
Overall there was not too much heavy duty therapy, but that will start at her next session on Tuesday. My take home message from therapy was that Mom is strong but needs to work to regain her coordination. Mom's take home message was summed up by "the 3 nos". 1) No visits to the gym...yet. 2) No driving...yet. 3) No walking without a cane...for now. Each of these were a bit of a bummer, but we hope that these will all be short lived annoyances.
Today we went to see Mom's internist. This visit was pretty uneventful, but allowed us to ask a few additional questions. After leaving the doctors office we went on the most important mission of the day to find Mom a cane. Not just any cane, but one suitable for Mom. This was not an easy task. What do you think of our choice?
FYI: We have decided to have a family fast for Mom this Sunday. We know there are many other people in need of health, spiritual strength and comfort; but would like to invite any of you to join us if you would like. Our hope is that Mom will have no permanent disability and no further stroke.
Thanks for the update Travis. We will fast for your Mom on Sunday. I'm glad you are able to be there for a little while to help
Very Stylish, Grandma Peterson would approve, I'm sure. Thanks for the update Travis and we love you Judy!
Not a bad looking cane!! I'll be happy to fast for my good friend Judy on Sunday.
Judy, I was very sad to see your blog this morning and find out that you had a stroke. No, you don't know me, but somehow I stumbled on to your blog a few months ago. I saw that you were at the Bryce Canyon Quilt Retreat last year, and I was there also. I saw the book list you posted, and I had also read most of the books on your list. I was hoping to meet you at Bryce Canyon this year. I usually only read the blogs of my children, but I think you are an amazing person and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Love the cane!
WE LOVE YOU JUDY and are cheering you on and we absolutely will fast and remember you in our prayers this Sunday (we already pray for you on a regular basis). Love, Taani, Ryan, Hattie, Neeley and one week old West. Go get 'em - we know you can do it!
You are rockin' the coolest cane on the planet. I suggest you continue to use it even after your recovery -- I find it is often helpful to carry an esthetically powerful object around, especially when dealing with discourteous or dismissive service people and the like.
Congrats on your excellent progress.
Dear Judy. We love you and are very happy we can participat in this fast. Remember Pres Monson's words about Pres Hinckley's cane? You have our permission to knight, wave, and generally rule. All our love and prayers. Buddy, Debi and Family
Sweet Cane! and I agree with the previous posts.... you and your cane shall rule!
You are so stylin, I think I want one too!
Maybe this is why I was feeling inspired yesterday to consider fasting tomorrow even with a nursing baby (just drinking lots of water for her sake).
Judy, you are one greatly beloved person. We all adore and admire you.
Dear Anonymous,
I have my reservations and my plane tickets. I'm still hoping to be there and would love to meet you. I'll be the one with the funky cane!
We fasted for you last Sunday and have put your and your family's name on temple rolls. Our love & prayers continues to be with you and Randy!
I can't even imagine what it would be like to re-learn how to do some of the basic things we do every day. I sprained my thumb and have been exercising it constantly to regain my range of motion in it and it has been very annoying. I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to learn some of the more necessary skills.
I would certainly enjoy helping and more importantly, sitting and talking and possibly singing. That has always been my favorite activity with the Petersons. I miss all the fun times we had - particularly when you and Randy would just stop by late at night on your way home and just visit.
I love you Judy and hope you have the patience to work through this successfully!
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