Today is International Left-Handers Day. If you are a lefty, here are some reasons you rock:
Only 10-15% of the people on the planet are left-handed.
Many presidents (Obama), inventors (Bill Gates) and celebs (Oprah) are left-handed.
You never have to worry about left-handed equipment (i.e. scissors) selling out.
You can always count on getting special table-seating considerations.
People like me are always amazed at the things you have learned to do (like writing, eating, crocheting). It looks so awkward and un-natural to me.
Hats off to all you Lefties! But please, try to pick a hat less ridiculous than this one!
Marshall is a lefty! Well, actually he is ambidextrous, but he writes better with his left. I'll make sure he doesn't wear any ridiculous hats. Hehe.
Our Neeley is a lefty too! Our (amazing!!) piano teacher told us yesterday that leftys are more inclined to be better piano players because they use the right side or logical side of their brain more. They are able to figure out intervals in music without as much frustration. Their is also a strong correlation between lefties being good at math and science. SO, we are banking on Neeley being our concert pianist or doctor and Hattie (right handed and very emotionally based) our thespian or author. interesting huh?
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