Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Music of Angels

I'm at the Apple Store even as I type this. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to post a blog of Emily playing her harp. I've even had a one-to-one to teach me how to do it. But every time I try to post it the movie itself comes through great, but no sound.

One of the bright spots of each trip to Utah is listening to Emily practice. She's getting good enough that she gets asked to play for wedding receptions and parties. She has such potential, but is in that difficult stage of life when so many activities and school try to crowd out everything else. Emily knows she will be playing at my funeral (which I hope won't be any time soon). She better keep practicing so she'll be ready!


Emily Brown said...

thanks for coming to listen and record me, grandma! :)

Mama Williams said...

Just lovely!

BaconandBitch said...

That is one of my favorite songs to play on the piano! I always wanted to play the harp but my mom wouldn't let me because I had too many activities. Keep playing Emily!!!!