Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day Four

Are you tired of seeing our porch yet? This is the end of the fourth day. Two more to go. Unfortunately, I leave tomorrow for Utah to attend my 50th Class Reunion. By the time I get back it will all be over but the bill.

I used to think that people went to their 50th High School Class Reunion in wheelchairs. Now here we are calling each other to see if we should wear Mary Janes or boots and wishing that we'd lost ten pounds this summer instead of gaining ten pounds (Perhaps I should have changed my goal from eating one Magnum ice cream bar every day to one Magnum bar every other day). Oh well, too late for that! I keep reminding myself that my classmates also do not look just the way they did the day we graduated. I'm taking my senior yearbook with me so I can study names and faces on the plane. Cedar City Class of 1961, Here I Come!


Kristin said...

It looks fantastic! Can't wait to see the finished product! You guys did a great job on the design...

florence said...

Have a good trip in Utah with your friends !

Noel said...

It's going to be beautiful. Ursula

Aprilyn said...

I can't wait to see the finished product. I hope you have a great time at your High School Reunion. :)