Thursday, October 30, 2008

Uninvited Education

I don’t suppose there’s even a remote chance that “Stop the Hate” (see comment 3 on yesterday’s blog) will ever look at this blog again, but I wish he would. I’d like to share a few thoughts with him.

I was raised in a family of five girls. My mother’s mantra was “Pretty is as Pretty does.” I grew up believing that what you say and what you do says far more about your character than how you look. I also believe that the opposite is true – “Ugly is as Ugly does.” I don’t know how “Stop the Hate” found my blog, but I suspect that he googles the words Prop 8 and leaves his little message wherever he finds a positive word for the Proposition.

I invite you to examine the words in both our messages. Do you find the word “hate” in my post? Was there anything about what I said that made you feel I was forcing my personal feelings or the Bible or my religion (cult) down anyone’s throat? I was sharing my personal thoughts with my circle of close family and friends in what I felt was a pretty innocuous way. On the other hand, “Stop the Hate” forced his way (uninvited) into my personal space to make sure that I (and those who read my blog) finally understand what hate is. And I think I get it. I thought about removing his comment, but decided to leave it so that those who see it can decide for themselves.


Aprilyn said...

Like I said, people like "Stop the Hate" talk about tolerance. They say WE are shoving our religion down their throats. They say WE are infringing on their rights. I don't know about you, but I don't want my child being forced to learn about gay marriage as an acceptable thing. If people want to practice gay marriage, that is their choice but I want the choice too. I don't want to be forced to have my children, as young as Kindergarten, being taught that this is a normal family life. That's just my 2 cents..

Matt Hatch said...

Judy, I'm sure this means nothing coming from me (you probably didn't know that Teri and I have been following your blog), but not deleting that comment showed something unique about your character that brought a smile to my face. You and Randy are an inspiration.

Michael said...

It's funny to me that this issue once again redefines the word "tolerance." Tolerance does not mean that one has to accept another's beliefs/actions - it means, essentially, that you agree to disagree and you move on. I love that those who support, for example, same sex marriage scream that those who don't are intolerant and should be shamed, shunned, etc. Where's the tolerance in that behavior?