Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day

Today is May Day, and I was so grateful to awaken to a beautiful sunny day. I don't suppose this could be considered a true Maypole, but it's the closest thing we have in our yard. So, in honor of the birds who build their nests inside these little birdhouses, today is the day we decorate our Maypole.

There is a second meaning for the word Mayday -- a distress call for help. If you didn't see this post, you should definitely check it out today!
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Rebecca Reid said...

That's hilarious!

Aprilyn said...

I still crack up every time I see that video!! I just love it! Today I have a song stuck in my head that we sang in YNS. "Now is the month of Maying when merry lads are playing. Fa la la la..." I've been singing it all day.