Friday, September 26, 2008

Biking Buddies

For the past few years my doctor has admonished me to get serious about exercise. While I am no Lance Armstrong, I did take up biking a few years ago. Believe it or not, three years ago I biked a triathlon on Cape Cod in which I took a pretty bad spill. I fractured my pelvis in two places, but didn't realize how bad it was at the time, so jumped back on my bike and finished the race in pretty good time. After a painful recovery I went a full year without even getting on my bike. Last year I was pretty faithful, but couldn't find anyone to bike with me, which has two serious consequences: The first is the difficulty of motivating yourself to go every day. While I enjoy an occasional ride with just me and my iPod, having a companion is more interesting. The second is that it limits where you can ride. I'm probably too cautious , but I felt uncomfortable on some of the more isolated biking trails when I was alone.

This summer I've been sporadic at best. Recently I discovered this group of ladies who walk four miles twice a week and ride 10 miles once a week. They have graciously invited me to join them and it makes all the difference in the world. This morning we did a ten mile loop through Blackwell Forest Preserve. I'm praying for a long and beautiful Fall.
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ellen said...

Good for you! I've been walking once a week (better than nothing) with a friend. That's better than nothing!

Aprilyn said...

Wow! You are amazing. I'm going to do better.

Unknown said...

Fall as in Autumn, right? NOT as in fall: breaking the pelvis again. Good for you!

Unknown said...

Yea, let's have an Indian summer.