Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Empty Tomb

Here are a few pictures from the tomb believed to have belonged to Joseph of Arimethea. While some believe that other sites are the actual location, President Kimball visited this tomb and said he felt impressed that this was the authentic spot.
The interesting thing about this picture is the track you can see running along in front of the tomb. This is where the stone would have been placed so as to be able to roll it back and forth to cover the door.
This is the empty tomb. He is risen! You can see where the body would have been laid, and I can imagine the Savior's folded linens laying on the rough ledge. The map of the tomb below is helpful.
Have a wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

Mom G said...

Hi - fun to see ourselves in the picture by the tomb! What a trip that was - so special. We have had a lot of great experiences with you.