Friday, January 25, 2008

Laundry Day

When I was a girl my mother had a wringer washer and hung the clothes on the clothesline (summer and winter) to dry. She did laundry every Monday (clothes) and every Thursday (bed linens). My sister and I were expected to stay upstairs and entertain ourselves on those days. We played with lincoln logs and paper dolls or spent hours trying to make houses by leaning playing cards against each other. It's tricky. We spent a fair amount of time whining at the top of the stairs about how long it was taking and when would she be done! If we were really lucky we got to go into the basement and watch her run the clothes through the wringer (How many times were we warned to keep our fingers away from there?!). Today I laundered our bed linens. Fortunately I didn't have to hang them on the line. We've had temperatures below zero for the past week.

When I got old and started having sleep issues, we looked for ideas that would keep us in the same bed but reduce the potential of keeping each other awake. We did away with sheets and blankets and went to separate comforters. I never feel him turn over. No matter how he tosses and turns and winds himself up in his comforter, it never affects me. Since we both lived in Germany, we learned the art of using a comforter to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. We love our bed so much! It's amazing that we ever want to get up!
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1 comment:

Aprilyn said...

I didn't know you had sleeping issues. As I've said many times already, Marshall has sleeping issues and we're trying a new medication to HOPEFULLY help him sleep better. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed to clear his airway when he was about 20 mo. old. NOT fun to have sleeping problems.
I love hearing about your childhood. It's so interesting! I've been reading my Mom's life story and learning about her that way. Now I get to read your blog to learn more about you! I LOVE IT!