Friday, January 4, 2008

The Line Up

Does everyone in the world take a picture like this on Christmas morning? We've done it for as many years as I can remember -- youngest to oldest. This always occurs right after Randy has checked to make sure Santa has been here, turned on the Christmas music, and lit the fire in the fireplace. I'm so glad we had kids to sit on the stairs this year. It looks so silly when it's only Randy and I.
Christmas 1976 -- Orem, Utah. This was the last Christmas before we moved to Chicago. Rob was too young to sit on the stairs (3 months).
Christmas 1987 -- Naperville, Illinois. This was the last Christmas before Kristin went away to school. We have had so many fun Christmas traditions over the years. However, I agree with Jaroldeen Edwards. It's possible to outgrow a tradition. When it no longer works for you, give it up and start something new!
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Rob said...

Fun memories, huh!

I am Laura said...

What a great tradition. This is a must start next year for us. Hope you guys are well. Looks like you had a great Christmas. We sure miss Britt and Travis loads and loads and miss seeing you every once and a while too.

Aprilyn said...

We always did the line up too! I haven't done it with my kids because first there was just Nathan and now we have Marshall but he's so difficult and doesn't enjoy the change that comes with Christmas. Maybe next year we can get the "picture". I love the pictures of your family though. I remember your kids that young. :)