Monday, March 21, 2011

Get Them Out by the Roots

Well, it's Spring. I went out today to have a look around, and things look promising!
My tulips and daffodils weren't the only things growing. I pulled my first weed. I actually kind of like pulling weeds. It reminds me of the importance of getting rid of bad habits. There are those weeds that come out fairly easily, but you can hear a little tearing sound as they come out. That reminds me that there is almost always a little pain associated with repentance. I get a lot of grass growing in my berm. They look fairly innocent on the surface -- a single shoot of grass -- but when I pull them out I find that the root runs fairly close to the surface, but can be two or three feet long. Ohh, those little things that seem fairly innocent on the surface may not be as innocent as you think. And don't you just hate those stinkin' thistle weeds. You can't even touch them without getting a pair of gloves, and the roots are so deep that I can't even get them out with a shovel. It seems like there's always a little piece of root left in there to sprout up again. And never try to pull them out by hand! They break right off at the ground. Let's see, those would probably be pride, judging, selfishness, being grouchy, anger. Wow, I have a lot of weeding to do. My favorite weeds are the little tender ones that just kind of slip out without any trouble at all. Yup, gotta love that daily repentance!


La Asistente said...

Loved the analogies. I've been tromping around my garden as well, looking for the little deadlies...(Is that a word?)

Aprilyn said...

Thanks for the weed analogy. I think I will use that in my Primary Class when we get to that lesson.